Master of Science in Zoology or MSc Zoology covers a wide range of subjects that deals with the study of the animal kingdom including their biology, genetics, classification, evolution, and many more. Candidates in this program get to learn about the basics of zoology like biochemistry and genetics. During the later semesters, one can choose specializations to study with their course load. The job scope for MSc Zoology course is high in demand in the field of wildlife conservation and research. Zoology MSc course is a branch of Biology hence the subjects in M.Sc Zoology include courses related to biology.
MSc Zoology course equally covers theoretical and practical sessions to help students understand the concepts in a better way. Students pursuing M.Sc Zoology learn about the characteristics and evolution of animal life. In Zoology students study various animals, both in their natural habitats and in captivity in zoos and aquariums. They may specialize in studying a particular animal or animal group.
Course Duration: MSc Zoology is a 2 year post-graduate program.
Eligibility for MSc Zoology:
MSc Zoology Career Opportunity: